RIM GROUP CO Ltd. is owner of Rosey’s mark trademark. The company is specialized in food based on the Bulgarian oil-bearing rose. Till October 2017 the brand’s portfolio includes 3 product lines: jam. Chocolate and loose tea.
The jam collection features original recipes developed in 2016 according to the latest trends. Product characteristics: high-quality natural jams, sugar-free and not preserved. 3 different tastes are available: pure rose, rose & strawberry, rose & raspberry.
The chocolate collection by Rosey’s mark is with patented recipe for the introduction of Bulgarian rose oil in the chocolate blends. High-quality handmade chocolate in 3 variations: dark, milk and white chocolate with roses.
The loose tea of Rosey’s mark is certified organic and features 3 emblematic premium quality Bulgarian herbs: rose, lavender and sideritis scardica.